Thursday, November 6, 2008

Treatment of Bush: A Blight on America

Now that America has a new President Elect, I was wondering when we might start hearing about the disgraceful treatment of Bush. I voted for G.W., twice, even though I didn't agree with him when we went to war with Iraq. I figured that he and Congress must have known something that I didn't and that there was possibly a good reason that I wasn't aware of.

When the war started having its problems and no WMDs were found it didn't take long before the same people that voted for the war started throwing G.W. under the bus. The mainstream news media followed suit and it wasn't long before G.W. had the majority of America "hating" him. This treatment of a President in a time of war would have been considered treason 60 years ago. I find it troubling that some politicians, including Obama, Pelosi, Dodd, and Reid are wearing the badge of treason like it was a badge of honor.

I firmly believe that the Bush hating liberals and media bear a lot of the responsibility for why the Iraqi war has been so difficult to prosecute, and why our enemies have had reason to believe that they might be able to defeat us.

I think that all of this says much more about the corrupt politicians and media than it does G.W. Even John McCain, who I admire immensely, threw G.W. under the proberbial bus thinking that it would mean more votes. Personally, I think that this strategy played out against McCain.

Much to G.W.'s credit he has remained Presidential through it all. A lesser man couldn't have withstood the constant barage of hateful rhetoric against him from the politicians and the media.
As for the current economic crisis, G.W. has once again demonstrated that he believes in "the buck stops here" principle. Even though, our economic problems happened on the watch of a strongly Democratic Congress, which of course the media continues to fail to report this little bit of factual information.

G.W. has not been a perfect President but he does deserve our gratitude for his steadfastness under very trying circumstances and exacerbated by a corrupt press and even more corrupt politicians.

On behalf of many Americans, we thank you Mr. President for your selfless service to your country. God bless you and your family.

Preston Osborne
Cherry Valley, CA

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Preston Osborne said...


Thanks for posting this on FREEP. Lots of good comments.
