Monday, October 27, 2008

The Problem With Obama

Our Founding Fathers believed strongly in the free exercise of religion (Judeo/Christian) and limited Government. If Obama is elected we will have neither.

The "mainstream" media has been giving Obama a free pass on all of his big government ideas because they sincerely believe that anything is better than what we've had the last 8 years. Unfortunately, the mainstream media has made their decision based on emotions rather than sound reasoning.

Proof of the mainstream media's love affair with Obama is the fact that they are ignoring the character of Obama. They are not only giving Obama a pass on his big government ideas, but they are also giving Obama a pass regarding Obama's poor judgement in his selection of "friends". And they're giving Obama a pass on his relationships and lying about those relationships.

Jeremiah Wright: Obama's spiritual adviser for 20 years. This is not speculation, this is by Obama's own admission.

William Ayers: Obama's confidant, political ally, neighbor, a stauch supporter. Obama has lied repeatedly about his relationship with Ayers and the mainstream media has given him a free pass.

Tony Rizko: Close associate of Obama that worked a deal where Obama could buy property at a huge "discount". Rizko is now a convicted felon. The mainstream media has not held Obama accountable for this relationship either.

ACORN: Obama's campaign has paid ACORN $800,000 to help "get out the vote". Obama was a lawyer for ACORN, Obama also worked as a "trainer" for ACORN workers. Numererous arrests have been made in swing states where ACORN workers have committed thousands of voter registration fraud crimes. Again, the mainstream media has turned a blind eye.

If Obama wins it will be solely because the liberal media is pulling for Obama and because they kept the secret of who Obama really is from the American people.The good news is, if Obama is elected, the next four years will be so bad that in 2012 the Democrats will lose the House, Senate, and the White House and some sanity will return to Washington D.C.

In the meantime get used to eating a lot of beans and rice because if Obama wins the economy is going to shrink to levels not seen in over 50 years. The tax and spend policies of the Democrats are a sure way to kill whatever economy we might have at the end of 2008.

Add to all of this Obama's pro-abortion, pro-infanticide, pro-GLBT positions and you have one ugly candidate. In connection with this... The worst news is, that even though Obama would be out of there in 4 years, and we would have a Republican majority in the Congress... Much irreversible damage will have been done by any U.S. Supreme Court and Federal Judges that Obama appoints. This is my greatest concern of all.

The poor condition of the economy is reversible, poor foreign relations policies are reversible, even damaged national security is reversible, but, Judges are appointed for life and this would have a negative affect on the America that our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-granchildren will live in.

God help America!

Vote McCain/Palin 2008

Vote YES on Prop 8

Preston Osborne
Cherry Valley, CA

Friday, October 24, 2008

One more reason to vote YES on Prop. 8

Open letter to Superintendent Dr. Vigil and Board of Directors of Hayward Unified School District in Hayward CA.

Dr. Vigil and HUSD Board of Trustees,

I was appalled when I learned that Hayward's 5 year olds are being indoctrinated into being "allies" of the GLBT lifestyle. And, also, that this was being done without the knowledge or consent of the parents.

In my opinion this is outrageous behavior on the part of Dr. Vigil, the Board of Trustees, and the teachers involved in this breach of trust. If anything ever described "dereliction of duty", this is it.

When Prop. 8 passes I hope that you all will finally get the message that most Californians don't share your "enthusiasm" for supporting the agenda of GLBT, which is to force acceptance of an unhealthy, anti-family lifestyle, and to denegrate the meaning of marriage.

Thanks for Listening,

Preston Osborne
Cherry Valley, CA

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Is The Upcoming Election the Most Critical in History?

I just received the following letter from Donald Wildmon of AFA. I agree with Donald that this upcoming election is the most important election our nation has ever faced. If Obama is elected we can anticipate dire consequences relative to the erosion of morality in America. It is very likely that with Obama in Office that within four years we will have a Supreme Court that will vote in favor of the agendas of the ACLU and GLBT, and even perhaps NAMBLA. We most likely would see same sex marriage become the law of the land.


October 8, 2008

Dear Preston,
The upcoming election is the most critical election in the history of our nation. The very future of our nation’s foundation is at stake. Every person will be affected. If the liberals win, then our foundation will no longer be based on the traditional Judeo-Christian morality. It will gradually but assuredly be based on an ever shifting, ever moving foundation. If the liberals win, the damage can’t be stopped with elections two, four or forty years from now. America will forever be changed. We will keep seeing a gradual and growing hostility toward people of faith, especially Christians. The morals of our nation will continue to decline. Our children and grandchildren will pay the price.

In case you may think I’m a “the sky is falling” type of person, you should know: When it comes to predictions, I am a very reserved person. But not on this one. I cannot overstate the damage a liberal victory will do to our country. The upcoming election is the most important in the history of our nation. Yes, if the liberals win you will lose some of your religious freedoms and free speech rights. Churches and pastors will not be exempt. You will not be allowed to say certain things about a particular group. Every item of the homosexual agenda will be approved. All the laws protecting the unborn will be wiped away.

I cannot overemphasize the importance of the Nov. 4 election. That is why I urge you to vote and encourage your family members, friends, Sunday School class and church members to vote. America’s future – the future of your children and grandchildren – is at stake.

Sincerely, Donald E. Wildmon,

Founder and Chairman
American Family Association

Preston Osborne
Cherry Valley, CA

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Very Boring Debate Tonight

I've been following this race closely, and what we heard during the Debate tonight was the same canned responses from each Candidate that we've been hearing for days and weeks. Personally, I would have liked to have had McCain and Obama answer some "character" questions. It is going to take a man of good character to resolve the economic, national security, social, judicial, and health care issues that are facing us today.

It's been very painful to sit on the sidelines and watch the way that the "mainstream media" has handled the Presidential campaigns. Although, it must be acknowledged that both the NY Times and CNN finally released their stories about Obama's relationship with Bill Ayers. Even the NY Times and CNN admitted that Obama lied when he said that he didn't have a close relationship with Bill Ayers the bomber.

As it turns out Obama and Ayers not only have a close relationship but they have participated in far left wing projects together. One project that Obama and Ayers participated in was doling out $100M dollars in unspecified grant money for radical programs that included indoctrinating children with radical left wing ideology under the guise of "education".

If others in the mainstream media don't pick up on this, in my opinion, they are trying to fix this election by omitting very relevant facts about Obama. I believe that these stories released by CNN and NY Times are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

I also would have liked to hear questions about how each of the candidates stand on the issues of abortion and the homosexual agenda. America needs to know the answers to these questions if we are going to be able to make an informed decision in November.

I don't think either McCain or Obama won this debate tonight. But, one thing is for sure, America lost. Many Americans still don't know who Obama is. All that America knows is that Obama is not George Bush. What a tragedy if millions of Americans go to cast their vote in November without knowing who it is that they are voting for.

Character does matter! In my opinion, Obama is wrong for America. The kind of change that Obama represents will only take us further down the slippery slope of socialism.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Question: Is The Media Being Fair to Governor Palin?

Katy Couric and Charlie Gibson and other liberal media types can't hide their disdain for Palin. A notable exception to this was last night's debate with Gwen Ifill moderating.

The liberal media not only "dislikes" Palin, they actually "hate" her. Palin represents everything that the left wing media is opposed to. Palin is strongly pro-life, anti-abortion, anti-infanticide, pro-family, and anti-homosexual "marriage" and lesbian "marriage".

It's obvious that many of the answerers to this question hate her as well.. And I strongly suspect for the same reasons. Not many are honest enough to say so... Instead they bash her for things they know aren't true...

The November election will be an important test of where America stands with respect to morality. Every vote for a man that supports infanticide is more evidence that America has slid that much more down the slippery slope of immoralism.

Preston Osborne
Cherry Valley, CA

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Question: Why Does the Universe Exist?

Scientists that believe in the "Big Bang" theory have it partially right... They claim that all of the matter in the Universe was contained in a super dense particle perhaps as small as an atom and perhaps as large as the head of a pin. Some call this infinite regression of matter. Actually, true infinite regression would require that that it would regress to "nothing". This accounts for the .00000000000000000001 of a second (Or whatever the new number happens to be..) that they admit that they have no knowledge about.

The "infinite regression to nothing" theory agrees in part, with the Bible. The Bible tells us that the Creator created the Universe from "nothing", that He "spoke" the Universe into existence. The Creator also created all of the laws that man has discovered and many that man has yet to discover. This is what keeps our Solar System, our Galaxy, and the Billions of other Galaxies moving in a predictable and orderly fashion.

The question then arises.. Who created the Creator? That answer is simple and is also found in the Bible. The Creator is eternal. He is without beginning and without ending. God has always existed, and always will exist. God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. Which means He is all knowing, all powerful, and that his presence is not limited by time and space.

One answerer to this question said that "God created the Universe for His glory" and they are absolutely right. So, now we have the "what", "how", and "why" the Universe exists.

Another answerer to this question suggested that the Universe could "shrink back to nothing" again and the cycle could be repeated... This theory is partially correct, too... Because the Bible says that, in the Creator's own time, the Universe is going to "burn up" and God will create a "new Heaven, and a new Earth". This, of course, answers the question: "What is going to happen to the existing Universe?"

Preston Osborne
Cherry Valley, CA

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Open Letter to Congress

Dear Members of Congress,

I recently e-mailed some of you to express my disgust with the Bail Out Bill being considered by Congress. I appreciate the fact that you responded to my outrage and gave me your reasons why we need this $700B Bill passed and I think I understand where you are coming from.

My concerns still remain. I know that something needs to be done but I don't have ANY confidence that this $700B Bailout will help rather than hurt in the long run.

What might make me feel better about this Bill is if I could get some assurance from Banking Chairman Barney Franks and Secy Paulson that they really understand WHAT happened and WHY it happened and to own up to their lack of judgement and assure us WHY this Bailout won't lead to a similar or worse financial crisis.

The Senate is scheduled to vote on this tonight and the House scheduled to vote on this tomorrow.. Is there any possibility that we could get Secy. Paulson and Rep. Franks to make a statement before this happens? Can they explain to the American people what they did wrong that allowed us to get into this mess, and HOW and WHY this Bill will make things better, not only for the short term, but the long term as well?

I believe that it's "fess up" time for Rep. Franks and Secy. Paulson. They need to assure the American people that THEY know why this crisis happened and that THEY know HOW and WHY that this $700B of taxpayer money will fix it, and fix it for good.

Thanks for listening.

Preston Osborne
Cherry Valley, CA