Friday, October 30, 2009

Open Letter to Congressman Jerry Lewis

Dear Congressman Lewis,

I share your deep concerns about the health care bill which is scheduled to be voted on next week. My question is, why haven't you and other like-minded representatives formed a caucus opposing this bill and why aren't you having press releases that are informing the American people what is happening in Washington?

The only news organization that I see that is taking any interest in the true story about the health care bill is FOX News.

I've been watching the process and educating myself and others on what is in this bill and it is my opinion that this is the worst bill to come down the pike in the 50 years that I've been following politics.

I'm convinced that this is more about "fundamentally changing America" (as our President has promised) and less about health care. This is change we don't need, and change we don't want!

But, if I'm wrong, then the health care bill should trashed on its own lack of merit. Here are my personal objections to the bill itself:

1. It provides for taxpayer funded abortions.
2. It is unconstitutional because it forces Americans to buy or pay a fine for services that they don't need, want, or can't afford.
3. It will stifle economic growth because of the burdens that it will put on small businesses.
4. It will create another bureaucracy that America doesn't want and can't afford.
5. The cost is prohibitive and it will place a huge financial burden on our children and our grandchildren.
6. Medicare will be cut by 50 billion dollars a year and therefore will result in a huge tax on those that have already paid their fair share and can least afford to have their benefits cut.
7. The government already controls 30% of the GNP and this bill, along with Cap and Trade, will ultimately result in the government takeover of another 30%, which means that the government will control 60% of the GNP!! If this isn't socialism, then I guess I don't know the definition of "socialism".

President Obama won't level with the American people, Harry Reid won't level with the American people, and Speaker Pelosi definitely won't level with the American people...

Representative Lewis, will you and your like-minded colleagues level with the American people in a manner that is appropriate for the catastrophe that will be caused if this legislation is passed? When you do this there will be those that will whine that you're playing partisan politics, but don't worry about that, please just do the right thing.

Representative Lewis, I'm not just "following politics" anymore, I want to do something about what is happening to America. What can I do to help?


Preston Osborne
Cherry Valley, CA

2 comments: said...

Great open letter dad. I am on my blackberry so its difficult to copy and paste it to free republic right now I will do that tomorrow when I get to the office. I am sure there are a lot of freepers who would like to read it

Preston Osborne said...

Thanks, David. Keep up the good work!