Friday, March 5, 2010

A short letter to Congress- Obamacare

Dear Congress,

Please withdraw your support for Obamacare. It is wrong for America and the majority of Americans know it and we have made our voices heard. Unfortunately, our cries to stop this nonsense has fallen on deaf ears.

Please allow me try to articulate in a few words why Obamacare is being rejected by the majority of Americans:

1. It is too costly- 6 years of benefits for 10 years of revenue. After that it adds yearly to the deficit.

2. It is an unconstitutional (in my opinion)power grab by the government. It puts another 16% of the economy and 100% of Americans under the healthcare control of a goverment that is already bloated to a size incomprehensible to our Founding Fathers.

3. Nobody really knows everything that is in this monstrosity of a Bill. We do know that it contains hundreds of add-ons that would never be able to pass on their own, but you already know that.

What is needed is a "start over" or to just quit until cooler, more reasonable heads prevail in Washington. I'm hopeful that this process will begin in November 2010.


Preston Osborne
Cherry Valley, CA

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