Friday, January 22, 2010

An Open Letter to President Obama, Senators Feinstein, Boxer, Speaker Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid

Dear President Obama, Senators Feinstein, Boxer, Speaker Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid,

I was hoping that the recent Senatorial special election in Massachusetts to fill "Senator Kennedy's seat" would serve as a wake up call to our President and to all members of Congress. Unfortunately, it seems like you are more interested in your constituents agreeing with you, than listening to your constituents.

President Obama and most Democrats in Washington have been "dismissive, even derisive" of the Tea Party movement, FOX News, and the voters. I think it's time to confess to the voters that what you've been doing is wrong. It's time to start listening to what the folks that put you in Washington are saying.

Here are some suggestions;

1. Leave medical insurance issues up to the States with the exception of Medicare. Leave Medicare where it is and do something about the massive waste, fraud, and abuse that President Obama says exists within the Medicare. You don't need to pass any legislation to do your job!

2. Focus on the economy and stop bankrupting our grandchildren even before they're born! Reduce spending, and cut taxes and let the free market system work.

3. Reduce the size of the Federal Government! The role of the Federal Government should be limited to National Security, Foreign relations, regulation of Wall Street, FDA, and Social Security. Deed back to the States most of the remaining services.

4. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid being served up by the climate change alarmists! Let States deal with local pollution issues. Allow the free market to dictate the sources and types of energy used in America keeping in mind that because of National Security issues we need to become energy dependent. Free market and National Security aren't mutually exclusive issues.

5. Stop prosecuting Islamic terrorists in civilian courts! Allow the CIA and the Military to interrogate and prosecute according to Military law!

In my opinion, Federal Government spending is the problem, not the solution. In other words, President Obama and the Democratic Congress need to do a 180 turn and forget about trying to make us look like France. We need to get America back to looking like America.


Preston Osborne
Cherry Valley, CA 92223

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