Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Senator Boxer's Clean Energy Bill- A response

Dear Senator Boxer,

I agree, it is "time to get serious" and to stop with the destructive politics that is pervasive in Washington today!

With all due respect, you and Senator Kerry couldn't be more wrong about the need for a "climate change" Bill. I've done my own research on this issue and have come to the conclusion that anthropologically caused emissions of CO2 has a virtually zero effect on our climate.

I don't want to judge you and Senator Kerry unfairly, but, I think you both know that we have actually been in a global cooling phase which ironically began around the time that Al Gore published his book that proclaims that man is warming the planet by his irresponsible use of "fossil fuels". No doubt, this is why we're talking about "climate change" instead of "global warming". Pardon me, but just how stupid do you think your constituents are?

More importantly, your assertion that reducing the use of "fossil fuels" and the development of alternative energy sources will boost the economy is absolutely absurd. As a matter of fact, of all of the legislation being discussed in Washington Cap and Trade is by far the most potentially damaging to our economy. To use the words of President Obama, "With Cap and Trade the price of electricity will skyrocket." I don't always agree with the President, but he hit the nail on the head on this one.

Nobody is against "clean air" but everyone should be against "hot air", especially when it comes from Washington. What we need is an honest debate on how we can best achieve "clean air" and at the same time produce sufficient energy so that we are not depending on countries that don't like us very much. It has become a matter of national security for us to do it.

It can be done in a way that will not bankrupt America if we can stop with the rhetoric and get down to the serious business of honest debate.

I worked as a project engineer in the aerospace industry for many years and the message that I kept hearing from upper management is; "Don't criticize the plan unless you've got a better one." Well, I've got a "better plan". If you are interested in hearing it, I'd be glad to share it with you.


Preston Osborne
Cherry Valley, CA 92223

Dear Preston,

"It's time for America to get serious about tackling the climate change crisis. That's why, late last month, Senator Kerry and I introduced the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act — critical legislation that will put our country on the path to a clean energy future............"


Barbara Boxer U.S. Senator Chair, Environment & Public Works Committee

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